Volunteer Positions

Listed below are the volunteer positions available within the CMRA.

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Race Director

The Race Director is in overall control of the race event.

Decisions affecting race day events are made jointly between the Race Director and Race Day Officials.  A rider may seek a ruling on any matter concerning the race and the application of CMRA rules from the Race Director and the Referee whose judgment is final at that event.  The Race Director will communicate with Race City employees on relevant matters, and should provide the CMRA with a brief synopsis of how each race weekend went, noting any safety or track concerns, and briefly reviewing any incidents.

The Race Director should have a varied experience, background, and knowledge of motorcycle roadracing. The Race Director should be familiar with the CMRA rules, and be familiar with the roles and responsibilities of the various volunteer positions.

The Race Director is designated by the CMRA


Reports to the Clerk of the Course.

The Starter is responsible for starting and finishing races and for displaying appropriate flags, as specified in the CMRA rulebook.  The Starter should have previous experience as a corner marshal, and the ability to keep track of the race event (number of laps, etc).  The Starter should have a good understanding of race procedures and the CMRA rules.

The Starter is chosen by the Race Director.

Assistant Starter

Reports to the Starter, and is regarded as the Starter in training.

The Assistant Starter works closely with the Starter, and assists in the Starters role.  The Assistant Starter is appointed by the Race Director.

Chief Course Marshal

Reports to the Clerk of the Course.

The Chief Course Marshal is responsible for assigning all track-side marshals. The Chief Course Marshal must be familiar with CMRA rules and events, and must ensure that all corners are manned with experienced personnel and proper safety equipment.

The Chief Course Marshal is appointed by the Race Director.

Clerk of the Course

Reports to the Race Director.

The Clerk of the Course is responsible for all matters concerning track safety and operations, and is the decision-maker regarding procedures, disputes, and the event program on race day. This person has the authority to stop a race by ordering a red flag displayed, or to remove a rider from a race by ordering a black flag displayed. If a Race Director is unable to perform his duties during an event for any reason, the Clerk of the Course assumes the duties and responsibilities of the Race Director. The Clerk of the Course should be familiar with all rules in the CMRA rulebook.

The Clerk of the Course is designated by the Race Director.

Pre-Grid Marshal

Reports to the Clerk of the Course.

The Pre-Grid Marshal is responsible for organizing the pre-grid area and ensuring that the pre-grid board is updated with the grid list. The Pre-Grid Marshal is also responsible to check that only valid motorcycles are allowed on the track for that session (checks for appropriate tech and event stickers on bikes and tech stickers on helmets). The Pre-Grid Marshal should be familiar with the different bikes and classes. Assertiveness is an asset. The Pre-Grid Marshall has the authority to stop riders at the pre-grid gate if it is unsafe to enter the track or if the event is under the Starters orders.

The Pre-Grid Marshall is appointed by the Race Director.

Chief Scorer (Timing and Scoring)

Reports to the Race Director.

The Chief Scorer will ensure that races are scored and that the final results for each event are distributed as required. The Chief Scorer will coordinate manual scoring as well as any automatic timing systems. Ensures race results are delivered to the Media Rep and Webmaster.

The Chief Scorer is appointed by ROAR in cooperation with the CMRA.

Timing System Coordinator

Reports to the Race Director and the Chief Scorer. Responsible for setting up and operating the timing system, monitoring all riders’ transponders during practice and race events to ensure they are working, and provides race results to the Chief Scorer. Ensures that event data is loaded into the CMRA registration system (tuword) for use on the website.

Chief Communicator

Reports to the Clerk of the Course.

The Chief Communicator is responsible for coordinating and relaying race information to and from various locations around the facility to the clerk of the course and completing all logs and paperwork. The Chief Communicator should have the ability to multi-task and communicate well over the radio.

The Chief Communicator is appointed by the Race Director.

Corner Captains

Reports to the Chief Course Marshal.

The Corner Captains are responsible for all activities within the jurisdiction of their designated part of the track. The Corner Captains should have previous experience as a Corner Marshal.

Corner Captains are appointed by the Chief Course Marshal.

Corner Marshals

Reports to the Corner Captain.

Corner Marshaling is an excellent entry level position for new track volunteers. The Corner Marshals are responsible for handling any emergency situation that may arise within their area of jurisdiction. Corner Marshals should be familiar with basic safety and track duties (fire extinguishers) as well as have a good knowledge of the flags and track rules surrounding flag situations (no passing under a waved yellow, etc). This position requires enthusiasm for motorsports.

Corner Marshals are appointed by the Chief Course Marshal.

Corner Communicators

Reports to the Corner Captain.

The Corner Communicators are responsible for coordinating race information to and from the Chief Communicator to the Corner Captain. The Corner Communicators are also responsible for completing any and all required reports.

Corner Communicators are appointed by the Corner Captains.

Safety Crew

The Safety Crew reports to the Clerk of the Course.

Safety Crew members should have safety training, fire training, and be familiar with motorcycles. Medical training is an asset. Safety Crews are responsible for bike pick-ups and track station set-up and tear-down (brooms, track sweep, fire extinguishers, flags, etc). Safety Crew is appointed by the Race Director.

First Response Medical Services (Ambulance Crew)

The Medical Services team reports to the Clerk of the Course.

The Medical Services team provides medical care in accordance with guidelines set out by the Province of Alberta. Medical Services will respond to on-track incidents as directed by the Clerk of the Course.

The Medical Services team is provided by Race City.

Riders Representatives

Reports to the Race Director.

The Riders Rep acts as a liaison between the competitors and the Race Officials. Competitors are encouraged to discuss matters of concern with the Riders Representative before approaching any other official for a ruling. The Riders Rep should be someone that the riders feel comfortable talking to.

The Riders Representatives are elected positions within the CMRA and sit on the CMRA Executive committee.


Reports to the Race Director.

The Referee is responsible for receiving all protests and rendering decisions thereon, subject to appeal to the CMRA. The Referee renders decisions on disqualification of competitors, and may fine, penalize or disqualify any rider who violates any of the rules of the CMRA. The Referee should be familiar with the CMRA rulebook, and have the ability to impartially interpret and enforce the intent of the rules.

The Referee is appointed by the CMRA.

Chief Technical Inspector

Reports to the Clerk of the Course.

The Chief Technical Inspector has full control over technical inspection and has full authority to enforce the rules outlined in the rulebook as well as any other safety related items deemed appropriate by the Chief Technical Inspector. Duties include:

  • Ensuring there are sufficient tech assistants available on race weekends to prevent long line-ups.
  • Coordinating the set-up and tear down of the tech area.
  • Responsibility for pre and post race technical inspections
  • Coordinating the availability of stickers for bikes for tech inspection.
  • Ensuring that tech inspectors are available throughout a race weekend to check bikes that have crashed.
  • Ensuring that tech is kept in radio contact with the tower throughout a race weekend.
  • Having a good working knowledge of motorcycles and being very familiar with the CMRA rulebook.

The Chief Technical Inspector is appointed by the CMRA.

Lead Dyno Operator

The Lead Dyno Operator reports to the Chief Technical Inspector.

The Lead Dyno Operator will be responsible for the safe and accurate operation of the dyno on race weekends. Duties include:

  • Organizing the transportation of the Dyno and the computer to the track on race weekends.
  • Ensuring that there will be sufficient trained personnel to operate the dyno on race weekends, and take care of scheduling.
  • Ensuring that there are sufficient trained personnel to cover the operation of the dyno.
  • Working with Parts Canada (Canadian distributor for Dynojet) to organize training for dyno operators.
  • Ensuring that all operators are familiar with the CMRA rules regarding horsepower limits and dyno procedures after supersport (sportbike) races.
  • Coordinating volunteers to help set up and tear down the dyno tent and equipment on race weekends.

The Lead Dyno Operator is appointed by the CMRA.

Chief Registration Clerk

The Chief Registration Clerk reports to the Race Director and the Treasurer.

  • Works in conjunction with the Secretary to keep a record of all CMRA members.
  • Keeps an updated database of CMRA licence holders and race numbers and forwards this information to the Secretary.
  • Makes new CMRA licenses each year for CMRA licence holders. Controls and is responsible for distribution of race licenses.
  • Organizes race registration for practices and races on race weekends.
  • Needs to quickly transmit registration information to the operator of the timing system as well as the manual scoring volunteers.
  • Produces grid sheets for each race event.
  • Provides a financial summary, any money received, and information and paperwork related to a race weekend or school to the CMRA Treasurer at the conclusion of each race event.
  • Keep the website listings of riders and race numbers updated.
  • Keeps a duo tang or binder updated with medical forms for all riders. This information is to be kept by the ambulance or track medical personnel.

The Chief Registration Clerk is appointed by the CMRA.

Safety Committee Chairperson

The Safety Committee Chairperson will chair the safety committee.

  • Acts as a central contact point for safety issues.
  • Keeps in contact with Race City on safety issues.
  • Keeps track volunteers updated and involved with safety issues.

Organizes straw baling at Race City at the beginning of the season, and monitors the straw bales during the season to repair and or replace worn or damaged bales. Works with the members and Race City to ensure that the track is made as safe as possible. For the baling effort each spring:

  • Organize transport vehicles for moving bales around the track.
  • Organizes volunteers for bagging and moving bales.
  • Works with Race City and the club to ensure that sufficient bales and bags (plastic) are available.
  • Checks tire protection on concrete walls and makes recommendations to Race City for additional protection where appropriate.
  • Organizes a crew to deploy and put away air fence before and after CMRA events.

The Webmaster is the single point contact for maintaining the website. In addition to keeping the information current with new information that is submitted to him/her from the CMRA or the members, the Webmaster will handle the following:

  • Maintain web site.
  • Monitor site for broken links.
  • Remove classified ads older than 60 days.
  • Monitor ads occasionally for content and proper placement.
  • Monitor Message Board for content. Remove older messages when necessary.
Trophy Coordinator

The Trophy Coordinator will work with the executive committee to buy and distribute trophies for the season. Five race weekends and the year end banquet need to be covered. Needs to ensure sponsor names are updated for each class for printing on the trophies. Helps organize thank-you plaques for sponsors at the year's end, as well as for volunteers who deserve recognition.

Location: Away from the Track

Banquet/Event Coordinator

The Banquet Coordinator will organize the year-end banquet.

Organizes the venue and meals for the banquet and other special events. Books a DJ and/or sound system as required. Organizes special presentations such as slide shows. Ensures the program is developed for the evening and organizes who will speak and when. Coordinates ticket printing, sales, and distribution with the Registrar. Contacts bike shops or other potential sponsors to get their involvement if they are interested, get door prize donations, etc.

Calgary Motorcycle Show Coordinator

The main purpose of the CMRA booth is to encourage new spectators, riders, and school students to join our events and raise awareness in Calgary about the CMRA. The organizer of this event schedules volunteers to work the CMRA booth for the event, as well as handouts, the annual poster, equipment and bikes for the display.

Performance Race School Head Instructor
  • The Head Instructor is responsible for organizing the Performance Race School. Duties include:
  • Keeping a list of students and their registration forms.
  • Coordinates with a registration person to keep track of who shows up at the classroom session.
  • Organizing the students into appropriate groups for the track day.
  • Organizing the classroom session and any paperwork or training information that is distributed.
  • Organizing speakers for the classroom session.
  • Organizing the track instructors and ensures that there are sufficient instructors for each school.
  • Contacts Race City to ensure on-track/off-track times are confirmed.
  • Books a classroom venue for the classroom sessions, ensure sound system is available if required, as well as soft drinks, coffee, water for breaks.
  • Organizes certificates for graduates.
  • Coordinates the availability of lunch for the track day if it is provided.
  • Ensures the Webmaster is updated with school information, registration forms, and scheduling information.
  • Ensures that straw bales and air fence are in place before the first school of the year.
  • Ensures that school equipment is organized and available for the track day (pylons, arm bands, etc)
  • Collects and reviews feedback forms from classroom and track sessions to ensure that any problems are addressed, and that feedback can be used for continuous improvement of the schools.
  • Ensures that the Treasurer pays Race City for the track rental.
Rulebook Committee Chairperson

The Chair of the Rulebook Committee is the key contact for suggestions for changes to the rulebook. Suggestions for the rulebook can be submitted to the Chairperson at any time during the year for consideration at the next annual review. This person will organize a committee and schedule their work in the fall of each year. The Chairperson is responsible for ensuring that voting is completed on time and that the new draft of the rulebook is available for printing in early December so that the rulebook can be printed and is available for January 1 of the following year. The Rulebook Committee Chairperson should also ensure that the latest rulebook is submitted to the Webmaster for posting on the website.

Marketing Committee Chairperson

The Marketing Committee Chairperson is the coordinator of the CMRA marketing effort. He or she will head up a committee of volunteers that is responsible for the following:

  • Production and distribution of the annual CMRA poster in hardcopy and for the website.
  • CMRA brochure for bike shops and shows.
  • Marketing the CMRA to the public to increase fan support.
  • Marketing the CMRA to new volunteers and riders.
  • Selling class sponsorships to provide funding for prizes and trophies.
  • Marketing the CMRA series to a series sponsor.
  • Helping the Race Day Handout Coordinator with this publication.
  • Working with the Media Rep to enhance the visibility of the CMRA.
  • Work with the Calgary Motorcycle Show Coordinator to ensure that the CMRA has a productive booth at the show to educate potential riders, volunteers, and fans.
  • Organize fundraising activities or grant applications.
  • Enhance the marketing package used to sell sponsorship opportunities.
  • Enhance the image of the CMRA, grow the CMRA membership, and increase awareness of the sport.
Media Rep
The Media Rep is responsible for the following:
  • Organizing local advertising for the CMRA (campus newspapers, Bargain Finder, etc).
  • Coordinating the release of race results to local media as well as roadracing magazines.
  • Distributes race and school schedules and contact information to the Webmaster, and the major roadracing publications (Inside Motorcycles, Roadracing World, Cycle News, others).
  • Distributes race results to the major magazines and newspapers.
  • Updates the Webmaster with race results in conjunction with the Head Registration Clerk and the Chief Scorer.
  • Working with the President to provide official CMRA news releases to the media.
  • Coordinating the writing and publication of news articles related to the CMRA race series and club members.
  • Takes an active role in the promotion of the CMRA in conjunction with the Marketing Committee.
  • Coordinate the updating of the Webmaster with latest news on a regular basis.
  • Ensures that sponsors receive appropriate coverage or exposure whenever race classes or the series is mentioned in the media or on the website.
  • Contacts local print, radio, and television media for upcoming events to try to get free promotion of our events (schools, races, the Nationals, etc).
  • Check with Race City on what we can or cannot do for certain events like the Nationals.
  • Works with the Race Day Handout coordinator to ensure any pertinent information is included in this publication.
Race Day Handout Editor
Works with the printer, the Media Rep, and the Marketing Committee to produce the Race Day Handout.
  • Ensures sponsor advertising is included.
  • Ensures results from previous races and current season's standings are included (coordinate with Timing and Lap scoring Clerk, Registrar, and Media Rep).
  • Works with Media Rep and Volunteer Rep to include any interesting stories or information.
  • Ensures handouts are printed on time and distributed to race registration for riders and to Thunder Alley for fans on race weekends.
  • Coordinates the development of stories or bios on local racers and volunteers if possible.
  • Works with members of the Marketing Committee to ensure that ads that are sold for the Race Day Handout are included.
  • Ensures a schedule of events is included in the handout.

The race day handout is built using Adobe InDesign CS2™ for Apple™.

CMRA Executive Committee Members

The Executive should be composed of experienced members who will give able, willing, competent input into the organization’s business. The Executive is composed of the elected officers (President, Vice-president, Secretary, and Treasurer), elected Directors (4), Riders Representatives (2), Volunteers Representative, Past President, and frequently chairmen of standing committees, as well as any ex officio members and such other members for which provisions have been made.

Executive Members shall hold office for three years or until their successors have been elected.

For a complete list of Executive Committee positions, please refer to the CMRA Bylaws, available here.