About the CMRA

The Calgary Motorcycle Roadracing Association (CMRA) is a not-for-profit, volunteer-run organization incorporated in the province of Alberta, Canada.
The CMRA was formed in 1987 to give local motorcycle enthusiasts a means to improve their motorcycling skills through racing.

The objectives of the CMRA are:

  • To promote amateur and professional motorcycle roadracing in Western Canada, with emphasis on safety.
  • To create and maintain a positive image of the sport, and encourage participation by all interested persons.
  • To engage in fund raising activities to defray expenses.
  • To provide for the recreation of the members and to promote and afford opportunity for friendly and social activities.
  • To oversee the organization of motorcycle roadraces, and to ensure that they are run in a safe and environmentally sensitive manner.

The CMRA is based out of Rocky Mountain Motorsports, located 25 minutes North of Calgary.

See you at the track!